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Can Avocado Cause Gas?

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You may have seen, heard, or even experienced gas from eating a certain food. Foods that commonly fall into this category include beans, milk, lentils, and onions.

But then, you wonder about avocado. Does it cause gas too?

Can avocado cause gas?

It turns out that avocado can cause gas.

But this should not be too surprising since avocados contain a lot of fiber, which promotes proper digestion and gas formation.

While there is the possibility that they can cause gas, in most cases, avocados will only cause gas when consumed in considerable amounts.

avocado sandwich

On the other hand, people who are avocado intolerant may not have to eat too much to experience gassiness.

In this article, we discuss why avocados cause gas and bloating. We also answer some of the other questions you may have on this topic.

Can Avocados Cause Gas?

Avocados contain various substances that promote gut health.

They contain dietary fiber and many other substances that promote digestion, consequently increasing gas formation. Through these substances, avocados can cause gas.

But beyond those substances, you can be sensitive to avocado, and this may cause gassiness. People who are intolerant to avocado are sensitive to a substance called sorbitol.

Sorbitol is a type of sugar called polyol or sugar alcohol. It belongs to a group of foods called FODMAP (fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides, and polyols).

People who are sensitive to sorbitol would be unable to digest sorbitol properly.

When sorbitol is not well digested, gut bacteria will ferment it rapidly. Bacterial fermentation of sorbitol will lead to the accumulation of gas in the intestine, and this will cause flatulence.

Besides sorbitol, avocados also contain salicylate. In people who are sensitive to salicylate, consumption of avocados may cause symptoms such as gas.

In Adults?

Avocados can cause gas in adults.

In Babies?

Sometimes, babies react to some types of foods differently. But in the case of avocado, babies may also experience gassiness, just like adults.

halved avocado

Can Avocados Cause Bloating?

Avocados can cause bloating in basically the same way they cause gas.

As we already said, avocado contains fibers that promote digestion and increases gas formation.

When one eats many avocados at once, the body will try to process a large amount of fiber in a short time. Doing this will lead to the production of too much gas and bloating.

Avocado also causes bloating because of its sorbitol content. Sorbitol is a natural laxative.

When consumed, it pulls water into the intestine to promote digestion and gut movement.

In sorbitol-intolerant people, things may be a little excessive. Besides the usual laxative effect of sorbitol, bacteria will act on sorbitol and ferment it rapidly.

In doing this, a lot of gas is produced in a short period. The gas will accumulate in the intestine, causing bloating, flatulence, and abdominal pain.

As we said for flatulence, bloating caused by avocado usually occurs in FODMAP-intolerant people. It is also more likely in people who consume too many avocados at once.

man holding avocado toast

Does Eating Avocados Contribute to Smelly Gas?

Smelly gas is typically produced when a person eats food that contains high levels of fiber. The presence of sorbitol and sulfur also contribute to the production of smelly gas.

When foods contain high levels of fiber, they are not broken down rapidly. Rather, they are fermented by bacteria over a long period. This leads to the production of some smelly gases.

Now, back to the question, does eating avocado contribute to smelly gas? Yes, it does.

Avocado contains sorbitol, sulfur, and high levels of fiber. So, you can expect smelly gas when you break wind because of the avocado you ate.

Avocados contain some amino acids, which contain sulfur. Of such amino acids are cysteine and methionine.

When these amino acids are broken down during fermentation, a very smelly gas called hydrogen sulfide is produced.

Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol. It is not fully digested or absorbed by the body. Hence, it stays in the gut longer and contributes to the production of foul gas.

Can Avocado Cause Stomach Issues?

Yes, avocados can cause stomach issues. But this may happen because you are FODMAP-intolerant, or you ate stale avocado.

As we hinted earlier, sorbitol is a FODMAP. One who is FODMAP-intolerant will have a hard time digesting sorbitol, and by extension, avocado.

Consequently, one may experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and IBD-like symptoms.

If one consumes stale avocado, one may experience food poisoning symptoms.

Stale avocados usually serve as a hotspot for toxic bacteria like Salmonella. So it is no surprise that eating them can cause such symptoms.

woman eating avocado toast

Is Avocado Good for the Gut?

As long as there is no sensitivity issue and the avocado is fresh and eaten in moderate amounts, avocado can be good for the gut.

Avocado contains around 7g of fiber per 100 grams.

Fiber will help promote normal bowel movement, the survival of good gut bacteria, and improve digestion. Of course, these effects are beneficial to the gut.

Final Thoughts

Avocados can cause gas. While this may not happen very commonly, it does happen.

People who are intolerant to FODMAP and people who consume too many avocados at once are most likely to experience gas from avocados.
